A visual story teller, traveller and nature lover.

Rooted in the heart of Queensland’s scenic Sunshine Coast, Jude’s art is a dialogue, an intimate form of communication that beckons from every canvas. Each creation, whether imbued with personal stories or embarking into the realms of abstraction, is meticulously crafted to bridge worlds.

Delve into this tapestry of tales and emotions where every brushstroke tells a story. As you explore deeper, you’ll encounter art projects that span vast thematic terrains, as well as articles that shed light on the multifaceted universe of all forms of art. Engage, resonate, and let each piece converse directly with your soul.

60x60cm, Acrylic on cotton
acrylic on canvas
61x61cm, Acrylic on linen


I weave nature’s essence, visual commentaries and emotions into artistic pieces, creating a vibrant tapestry of contemporary art.


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